使用 Flask 2.0 开发 Web API

2022-01-09 19:23:43   Cyberbolt

文章发布时刻李辉老师的 APIFlask 还在测试阶段,这里记录我使用原生 Flask 开发 Web API 的方案,并记录本项目的目录结构。APIFlask 完成后,我的工作环境将迁移至此。

未来是 微服务 和 云原生 的时代,传统后端渲染正逐渐被 Web API 替代,传统的中心服务器网站也逐步转为以 Go / Python 为主的云原生应用,容器技术发展势不可挡。本文主要研究使用 Flask 来开发 JSON API,如需了解 Docker 部署 Flask 程序的方案,请点击此处

运行环境:Python 3.8.6, Flask 2.0.2


下面简要记录 Flask 2.0 配置静态页面 和 JSON API 的方法


app.py 该项目的入口模块(使用 python app.py 即可运行程序)

route.py 保存该项目所有页面 (HTML) 的映射路径

static 静态文件的起始目录

static/index.html 测试页面

blueprints 蓝图模块

blueprints/__init__.py 蓝图模块的构造文件

blueprints/front.py 保存网站前台的所有 API




from route import app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host='', port='5000', debug=True)



from flask import Flask

from blueprints import front

def creat_app():
    app = Flask(
        static_folder='static',  # 静态文件的目录
        static_url_path='',  # 静态文件目录在链接的起始位置 
    app.register_blueprint(front) #导入home蓝本
    return app

app = creat_app()

def home():
    return app.send_static_file('index.html')

static_folder 和 static_url_path 参数将静态文件根目录 /static 替换为 / 。如,默认设置中 index.html 的地址为 ,此设置地址改为了 或 (访问其一均可到达该页面)



<!doctype html>
<html lang="zh-CN">
    <!-- 必须的 meta 标签 -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

    <!-- Bootstrap 的 CSS 文件 -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@4.6.1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-zCbKRCUGaJDkqS1kPbPd7TveP5iyJE0EjAuZQTgFLD2ylzuqKfdKlfG/eSrtxUkn" crossorigin="anonymous">

    <title>Hello, world!</title>
    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>

    <!-- JavaScript 文件是可选的。从以下两种建议中选择一个即可! -->

    <!-- 选项 1:jQuery 和 Bootstrap 集成包(集成了 Popper) -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.5.1/dist/jquery.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-DfXdz2htPH0lsSSs5nCTpuj/zy4C+OGpamoFVy38MVBnE+IbbVYUew+OrCXaRkfj" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@4.6.1/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-fQybjgWLrvvRgtW6bFlB7jaZrFsaBXjsOMm/tB9LTS58ONXgqbR9W8oWht/amnpF" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

    <!-- 选项 2:Popper 和 Bootstrap 的 JS 插件各自独立 -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.5.1/dist/jquery.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-DfXdz2htPH0lsSSs5nCTpuj/zy4C+OGpamoFVy38MVBnE+IbbVYUew+OrCXaRkfj" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/popper.js@1.16.1/dist/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384-9/reFTGAW83EW2RDu2S0VKaIzap3H66lZH81PoYlFhbGU+6BZp6G7niu735Sk7lN" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@4.6.1/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-VHvPCCyXqtD5DqJeNxl2dtTyhF78xXNXdkwX1CZeRusQfRKp+tA7hAShOK/B/fQ2" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>




from blueprints.front import front



    保存网站前台 API
from flask import Flask, Blueprint, jsonify

front = Blueprint(

def test():
    return jsonify({
        'code': 1,
        'content': 'api test'

Flask 蓝图配置,该模块存放 front 前台的所有 API,此处加入 Flask 2.0 语法,GET 方法 和 POST 方法配置更为便捷。/api/test 的数据交互格式为 JSON,这里用到 jsonify 将字典转为 JSON。




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2023-01-10 14:37:39

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2023-02-05 11:30:37

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2023-02-06 11:13:22

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2023-02-23 17:19:13

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2023-03-09 19:31:24

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2023-04-02 19:26:16

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2023-04-04 04:40:30

回复 Deandre: Dear cyberlight.xyz team, Are you ready to take your business to the next level? It's no secret that more traffic leads to more revenue, but are you struggling to improve your Google ranking and get noticed by potential customers? Don't worry, I have ranked thousands of websites! As the most advanced and successful white hat backlink SEO service, we've developed a cutting-edge technique called LatticeWork that has helped thousands of clients around the world achieve their business goals. Check my service on Fiverr with more than 1000 5-star reviews: https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=570412&brand=fiverrhybrid&landingPage=https2F%2Fwww.fiverr.com%2Fmiranda_davis%2Fwhite-hat-dofollow-seo-backlinks Our focus on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E.A.T) ensures that your campaign produces the best possible results. With our LatticeWork technique, you'll get: Relevant and foundation tiered backlinks Contextual SEO backlinks Public blogs and Web 2.0 backlinks Brand mentions and social sharing A mix of comment, forum, and files backlinks, and much more for tiered linking And the best part? We do everything manually and drip-feed all the links naturally with diverse anchor text, keywords, and a mix of no-follow and do-follow links. So don't wait for tomorrow to kick-off your campaign and beat your competitors! Check out our service on Fiverr, where we have more than 1000 5-star reviews, and let's take your business to new heights. Check my service on Fiverr: https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=570412&brand=fiverrhybrid&landingPage=https2F%2Fwww.fiverr.com%2Fmiranda_davis%2Fwhite-hat-dofollow-seo-backlinks

2023-04-07 14:11:38

回复 Junko: Hi Are you in need of a fully luxurious, premium, and elegant website that meets the needs of today's ever-changing worldwide web? Well, look no further because I am here to help! I take pride in designing a top-level professional website that will leave your audience in awe. I have experience in designing websites for big brands like FIAT for their electric bike product, and I can do the same for you! My philosophy is simple - a happy customer is a regular customer. That's why I always strive to provide the best possible service for all your website requirements. Here are some reasons why you should choose me: I have designed websites for FIAT and other well-known brands. I use premium themes and plugins to ensure a top-notch website. I guarantee a luxury design and an elegant look that will attract your audience. I provide premium features like stock images, security improvements, loading speed improvements, optimized WordPress, image optimization, basic SEO, social connectivity, modern design, responsive design, custom colors, and much more. I also have exclusive offerings for premium buyers, such as high-quality exclusive design, exclusive features to boost business, premium stock images and videos, extended support, and tutorial videos on how to manage your website. I take each and every project with utmost sincerity and showcase each one proudly in my portfolio. So, let's get started on designing your dream website today! Check out my portfolio here: https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=570412&brand=fiverrhybrid&landingPage=https2F%2Fwww.fiverr.com2Fcreate-a-premium-and-modern-wordpress-website Looking forward to working with you!

2023-04-25 14:09:46

回复 Edgar: Dear cyberlight.xyz team, Qmy.li Advanced URL Shortener has 90% discount with this coupon code: SAVE90 Visit now: https://qmy.li Lifetime package form one month price of Bitly: https://qmy.li Qmy.li the ultimate solution for all your link management needs! Better than bitly, linktree, rebrandly. Say goodbye to cluttered and confusing URL links, and say hello to neat, professional, and trackable links. Advanced link shortener QR code generation & Customization 20+ Tracking pixels support Advanced Targeting (Geo, Device, Language) Multiple domains: qmy.li, brnd.li, bynd.li, linkmybio.in, biolinkr.me, linkme.best, mrkt.best, idiec.com, peynr.com Custom domains (use your own domain) Ad support and advanced analytics Campaigns & link rotator & A/B Testing Link in Bio generator with remove branding feature Custom splash pages CTA overlay: contact forms, polls, messages, newsletters, images, coupons, and more CSV bulk link import & export API Wordpress plugin included Custom CMS integration guide (easy) A suite of marketing tools Powerful integrations: WordPress (plugin included), Zapier, Slack, Shortcuts, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook, Bing, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, Linkedin, Pinterest, Quora, TikTok, Adroll, and more... All of these features are designed to help you improve your online presence and drive conversions. Qmy.li Advanced URL Shortener is an all-in-one platform that gives you everything you need to manage your links like a pro. Qmy.li will improve your online presence, drive conversions, or simply keep track of your links. Start using Qmy.li today and take your link management to the next level! Our bio links, and custom splash pages will make your links look professional and presented in a way that makes sense for your brand. You can customize your bio links and add content widgets as well as embed widgets. Bio Link Embeds: PayPal Button WhatsApp Message & Call Phone FAQ RSS Feed OpenSea NFT YouTube Embed Facebook Post Instagram Post Tweets Embed Spotify Embed SoundCloud Embed Apple Music Embed TikTok Embed Contact Form Embed Newsletter Embed Product Embed (Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, any website) and more You can also use our CTA overlays to encourage your visitors to take a specific action, such as signing up for your newsletter, filling out a contact form, or taking a poll. Skyrocket your marketing performance with qmy.li link shortener suite! Qmy.li Advanced URL Shortener has 90% discount with this coupon code: SAVE90 Visit now: https://qmy.li

2023-06-19 04:42:47

回复 Poppy: It is with sad regret we are shutting down. We have made all our leads available for a one time fee on DataList2023.com Regards, Lashawnda

2023-10-09 04:37:32

回复 Lashawnda: Hey, We are testing out a new system where we provide B2B Data for free. It works in every country and for every industry. We would love it if you can give us a try on our google form. https://forms.gle/y5xQeuEXv7kdFz8H9

2023-10-23 02:28:44

回复 Kelvin: Hello, We noticed cyberlight.xyz is only listed in 8 out of 2500 directories. This severly impacts your backlinks and search engine rankings. Come get listed in all 2500 directories on DirectoryBump.com

2023-11-28 02:37:24

回复 Trevor: Hello, We are a bulk email service. We have very large email lists and can filter it out to your specific industry that you require. Here are our rates for sending: 100k Emails - $100 250k Emails - $200 500k Emails - $350 1mil Emails - $500 Come chat to us here: https://tawk.to/chat/62d1331b7b967b117999a948/1g80iva0c *Using our email list will affect the price.

2024-01-20 06:31:08

回复 Winona: Hi If you are in need of a secondary income or know another person in your life struggling to et their own income? Please visit us or advise your friend to: https://bit.ly/3S8pziq Here we will give you a quick quiz and find the perfect position for you/them. Regards Social Sales

2024-01-30 07:23:29

回复 Belle: Hey! Come test out our beta project LeadsFly.biz and come get your free business leads. Regards, Minna

2024-02-02 02:37:54

回复 Minna: Hi cyberlight We are proud to present our new website for all your B2B and B2C data and advertising needs. https://cyberlight.marketingfriend.biz We offer a large range of products and to assist you in getting ahead this new yeah with better advertising and reaching more clients in your specific niche. Our products include all of the following: We provide a free live search on site so you can see the amount and type of data we provide. Pre-compiled B2B and B2C data sets with all the necessary fields\columns included to assist you reach your clients. If we do not currently have the data you are looking for we are also willing to assist with custom data collection. Mail servers setup for you able to send over a million mails per day or as per your specifications. “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” Henry Ford. https://cyberlight.marketingfriend.biz Regards, MarketingFriend.biz

2024-02-08 08:41:49

回复 Mohamed: Hi, LeadsFly is a lead provider for companies all over the world. We provide high quality fresh leads for all business types, we are collecting new leads for all interested parties daily. Leave us a request or check out the data we have on hand for instant delivery. Visit us here: http://cyberlight.leadsfly.biz

2024-02-10 14:25:14

回复 Sanford: Hey there, Ready to elevate cyberlight.xyz's online presence? Quality assured Fiverr Pro service is here to help you achieve your goals. Introducing our high-quality SEO service on a leading freelance platform. Our team of experienced professionals specializes in delivering top-quality backlinks that are guaranteed to enhance your website's visibility and drive organic traffic. With our service, you'll receive a tailored strategy crafted to meet your unique needs and goals. We understand the importance of high-quality links in boosting your search engine rankings, and we're committed to delivering results that exceed your expectations. Why choose us? - Tested track record of success - Top-quality backlinks from well-known sources - Personalized approach to suit your organization objectives - Cost-effective packages designed to fit any budget Don't miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your SEO efforts. Get started today! Let's work together to elevate your website to the next level. Fiver link: https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=570412&brand=fp&landingPage=https2F%2Fwww.fiverr.com2Fdo-goat-link-building-seo-service-for-google-top-ranking Best regards,

2024-03-02 00:01:03

回复 Ashli: Hi cyberlight.xyz We noticed your website cyberlight.xyz is only listed in 12 out of 2500 directories. This has a severe impact on your online global presence. You can get listed in all 2500 directories for a once off fee of $99 Come visit us on https://cyberlight.companyregistar.org/cyberlight.xyz

2024-03-02 03:38:43

回复 Gudrun: Hi cyberlight.xyz, We visited your website cyberlight.xyz and think that we might have the perfect leads for you. We are a global lead provider covering all industries that include consumer and business data. Feel free to look through our samples on our website https://cyberlight.leadsfly.biz/cyberlight.xyz If the samples are not to your liking, talk to us live on site and we might be able to provide you with the exact data you need Please visit us at https://cyberlight.leadsfly.biz/cyberlight.xyz Your Future Favorite leads provider for 2024 Regards, Cierra

2024-03-03 07:52:14

回复 Cierra: Hi, Lifetime deal, best email cold outreach and marketing tool Set up drip campaigns using industry-specific templates to stay top-of-inbox with prospects who haven’t responded yet. Start using AI-powered smart campaigns to automate every step of your email marketing and instantly scale your cold outreach. Email sequences stopped on replies. Boyth cold outreach and transactional emails. - integrates with Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce - set up welcome, post-purchase, and abandon cart flows, anything - huge limits Link: https://appsumo.8odi.net/DKGKQb

2024-03-04 02:38:51

回复 Arletha: AI article writer with fact check. Autopublish with confidence. This tool can generate over 30 types of content in over 110 languages, while ensuring factual accuracy with citations from trusted sources. - Lets you insert your own FAQs and offline materials as text to create a knowledge repository for your brand. - And just like your articles, you’ll be able to include in-text citations for this AI-generated content. - You’ll even be able to generate long-form, SEO-friendly content with relevant images, getting your posts to the top of the SERPs. - Fetch and re-write articles with 1 click From $39 Life time package: https://appsumo.8odi.net/ZQ5Qyg

2024-03-13 02:33:58

回复 Monserrate: Howdy 10000 WP Themes and 10000 WP Plugins. Lifetime deal. - Fully working WP themes and plugins - All functions active - You can update - You can import demos - Use on multiple sites Since 2018. Tens thousands of reviews online. Check it now URL: https://festingervault.com/?ref47977

2024-03-26 03:50:03

回复 Justine: Hi, Want thousands of clients? We have compiled a list of all consumers and business's across 149 countries for you. We have a special that is running today and valid till the end of the day. Come check us out: https://cyberlight.leadsmax.biz/ Consumer Records: 294,582,351 Business Records: 25,215,278 Selling at $99 today only.

2024-04-14 13:43:53

回复 Lilla: Hi there, You all want your site to be rockstars, right? If you feel like yours needs a little boost, I can help. I'm an SEO whiz on Fiverr, and I can get your site ranking higher on Google searches without any complex mumbo jumbo. Curious? Visit my gig https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=570412&brand=fp&landingPage=https252F%252Fwww.fiverr.com%252Feiza_rank%252Fboost-google-ranking-with-high-quality-white-hat-dofollow-seo-backlinks. Talk soon,

2024-04-17 08:23:05

回复 Daisy: Hello, We noticed your domain: cyberlight.xyz is listed in very few directories. Directories have a very high Page Rank Score and provide really good back links Company visit us on Company Registar and list your domain in all the directories. https://cyberlight.companyregistar.org/cyberlight.xyz

2024-04-20 00:10:35

回复 Toni: Hi there In the fast-paced landscape of modern business, staying ahead often means delegating tasks efficiently. That's where 5C VA steps in – your partner for top-notch, expert, and experienced virtual support across any sector. At an incomparable rate of just USD9/hour, our virtual assistants are going to optimize your operational workflow, allowing you to focus on core business strategies while we handle the rest. From managing your emails, customer support, call answering, and scheduling, to handling complex data management tasks, our team is ready to support your business needs with precision and professionalism. Envision the growth potential when your time is spent on what truly matters, powered by the support of a dedicated virtual assistant who understands your business inside out. Let 5C VA be the key to unleashing your business's full potential. Contact us today to discover how our tailored solutions can elevate your productivity and efficiency. Thank you Tommy Tanner 5C Virtual Assistance sales@5cvas.com 904-685-6366 www.5cvas.com/?refid=260

2024-04-22 13:04:34

回复 Tommy: Hey cyberlight.xyz team Are you having trouble at cyberlight.xyz to generate leads and to grow your business? You're not alone. Many businesses face hurdles when it comes to reaching potential customers and increasing conversions. But fear not, because we have the solution! At Contact Form Leads, we focus in contact form marketing - a effective strategy for connecting with your audience and creating high-quality leads. Our platform makes it simple for you to connect to potential customers straight through their contact forms, bypassing traditional advertising methods and capturing their attention where it matters most. Pricing - 100k submissions (USA or Worldwide): $9 - 1M submissions: $47 With our comprehensive suite of tools and services, you can optimize your outreach efforts, target specific demographics and industries, and track the performance of your campaigns with ease. Our platform is engineered to help you overcome the obstacles of lead generation and achieve your business goals with confidence. Ready to supercharge your marketing efforts and unlock a world of opportunities? Sign up for Contact Form Leads today and start generating leads like never before! Cheers Scott Martinez https://contactformleads.com/?refid=1124 Don't hesitate to contact me, if there's anything else I can assist you with! Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these offers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdx-LI-ETiB-g37_ijIRHfBNhu__c-Go1dyOyZ_zU_pgeYTEg/viewform?usp=sf_link 41 Mendooran Road, Salamanca, New York, USA, 2830

2024-04-24 05:30:43

回复 Leah: Hi, If I can tell you exactly which Businesses (B2B) visited your website today - would you be interested? Here is what I mean. You get 100 visitors today. 2 of them fill out your form. 1 of them calls you. 97 of them are gone forever... Until Now. Our software can track: -Who was on your website -How they got there -What keyword they searched -Their Name, Phone and Email address. Don't lose any more leads or sales opportunities. We've been in business since 2015 with clients around the world. Interested? Send me your name and number for a no cost demo on YOUR website. LeadsMax.biz Regards, Website Detective Don't Miss Any Opportunity.

2024-04-24 19:15:17

回复 Virgie: Don't let lack of funding and finance force you out of business or shut down. Your projects, businesses, and financial needs are entirely achievable. You can now fund your projects, businesses without concern for repayment as you can have ample amount of time to execute your projects and businesses and build up, grow financially, to achieve your complete set goals. If you're also a broker or consultant, Make life easy for various of your clients globally to help provide funding for their various Businesses and Projects, edging them towards a better business and financial goals. Chu Yeung Customer Care Department support@charterunionfin.com https://charterunionfin.com/?refid=2031 +852 8199 9324 Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these offers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdx-LI-ETiB-g37_ijIRHfBNhu__c-Go1dyOyZ_zU_pgeYTEg/viewform?usp=sf_link Rua Florindo Julio 416, Port Chester, NY, US, 18047-650

2024-04-26 14:09:00

回复 Scarlett: Greetings, Are you frustrated by your website's ranking plummet after every Google update? Frustrated with the constant challenge to keep up with AI-generated content deindexing? Well, guess what? Backlinks are still your best friend in the world of SEO. And I've got the data to prove it. Just take a look at this convincing experiment conducted by Ahrefs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHW-izBq2-I But let's not stop there. I'm here to offer you a solution that will not only get you achieving top search engine rankings but also establish a strong foundation of trust for your website. Ready to take action? Then take the first step towards SEO success by checking out my Fiverr Pro gig: https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=570412&brand=fp&landingPage=https2F%2Fwww.fiverr.com2Fboost-your-ranking-with-high-quality-backlinks Don't let those Google updates dictate your success. Let's take control of your SEO strategy together! Best regards,

2024-04-30 12:33:29

回复 Matilda: Hi cyberlight.xyz We noticed your website cyberlight.xyz is only listed in 9/2,500 directories. We have a service that lists your company in all the directories globally. It supports all countries, all services, to boost your SEO and get you those high quality back links that directories offer. We have a promo running for a one time fee of $99 Visit us on https://cyberlight.companyregistar.org/cyberlight.xyz to get listed.

2024-04-30 15:43:56

回复 Adrianna: We deliver bulk contact form submissions to 100M websites. This is the cheapest way of generating leads, customers, buyers. We can help you grow further with a low cost. ������ Explode Your Lead Generation with our targeted contact form marketing services! ������ Exclusive Deal Slash prices by 50% on your next order! Use code SAVE50 to unlock massive savings! ������ Our services offer the cheapest cost-per-lead compared to any other advertising strategy. Reach up to 100M contact forms from $4.50 ������ Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! This offer is only available for one week. Ready to take advantage of this discount? Click here to redeem your discount (apply SAVE50 discount code at checkout) and start generating leads like you've never seen before!: https://contactformleads.com/shop/ Let's take your business to new heights together! Regards, Logan Clark Visit now to get this limited time discount: https://contactformleads.com/shop Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these offers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdx-LI-ETiB-g37_ijIRHfBNhu__c-Go1dyOyZ_zU_pgeYTEg/viewform?usp=sf_link 71 Feather Street, Auburn, NY, USA, 4520

2024-05-06 01:06:45

回复 Stella: If you were a gig worker, freelancer, content creator, sole proprietor single llc or gig economy worker you may be eligible for up to $32,222 Click the link, watch the short video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCe0W8a_oag ) and if you qualify, fill out the form https://aluzzion.com/go/setc-tax-credit SETC Pros boasts a 90% success rate in aiding individuals to obtain the Tax Credits they rightfully deserve. This is not a loan and there is nothing to payback, this is remaining COVID-19 tax credit money. Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these awesome offers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcwuJWADnzhVPQ1oEJbZrRzfKxwrFT5faCQO7SH8YL_GDFxw/viewform?usp=sf_link 2979 Adelaide St, Rome, New York, USA, M5h 1p6

2024-05-07 09:16:59

回复 Ryan: Hi, We are a provider of premium databases for companies. I want to know if you need any sort of data for your business? Please respond to this email and let us know what you are looking for. Regards Jannes

2024-05-09 04:02:45

回复 Leon: May 17th is quickly approaching - have you filed for your USD32K SETC Tax Credit yet?, you may be eligible for up to Usd32K SETC Tax Credit. It is valid until May 17th. Check out the link, watch the short youtube video ( https://bit.ly/3UoMJlS ) and if you qualify, fill out the form https://bit.ly/3WDGWvg SETC Pros boasts a 90+% success rate in aiding individuals to get the Tax Credits they rightfully deserve. You won't owe anything back; originates from COVID-19 tax credits that's still available. Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these fantastic offers: https://form.jotform.com/241243363091449 Reinprechtsdorfer Strasse 53, Peekskill, NY, US, 4442

Selina Halloran
2024-05-12 08:29:35

回复 Reagan: We provide bulk contact form submissions to 100M websites. This is the most cost-efficient way of generating leads, customers, buyers. We can help you grow further with a low cost. - Explode Your Lead Generation with our targeted contact form marketing services! - Exclusive Deal Slash prices by 50% on your next order! Use code SAVE50 to unlock massive savings! - Our services offer the best return on investment compared to any other advertising strategy. Reach up to 100M contact forms from just $4.50. - Grab this incredible offer! This offer is only available for one week. Ready to watch your leads soar? Click below link to redeem your 50% off (apply SAVE50 code at checkout) and start generating leads like you've never seen before! Let's take your business to new heights together! Thank you, Gregory Bryant Visit now to claim this limited time offer: https://bit.ly/cformmarketing Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these awesome emails: https://form.jotform.com/241311404065442 78 Hertingfordbury Rd, Westminster, CA, United States, Ne24 9xd

2024-05-14 01:32:54

回复 Selina Halloran: Hire skilled coders within just 1 hour for a wide range of technologies including React, React JS, Flutter, Python, Angular, Laravel, Node.js, PHP, MEAN stack, Full stack, Android, Java, .NET, AI, ML and many more. Conduct your own tech-evaluation evaluations and assessments before Hiring quality resources from our bench pool. Developers working remotely in YOUR time-zone. With 40% Less Expensive & 0% Coder Pulling out. Commence your 40 Hours No-Risk Trial Immediately. https://bit.ly/3UWNFzw Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these amaing deals: https://form.jotform.com/241333524965458 74 Quai Des Belges, Johnstown, New York, US, 13500

2024-05-16 22:40:56

回复 Harris: {Are you facing a {Resource Crunch|Developer Shortage|Talent Gap} in your company?|Looking for an affordable {IT|Web Developer} {service|staff|team} We provide {on-demand developers|instant development teams} with expertise in {ANY technology|various technologies|a wide range of skills}, including JAVA, Dot Net, Node JS, React JS, and Python. We can deliver them to you in {just 1 hour|under 60 minutes}. Our services are {40% more affordable|significantly less expensive} than traditional staffing agencies, and you're guaranteed {no developer drop-off|100% project continuity}. {Kickstart your project today with a 40-Hour Risk-Free Trial|Get started now with a risk-free 40-hour trial}: https://bit.ly/3UWNFzw Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these {awesome|great|amaing|fantastic|great} {offers|messages|deals|newsletters}: https://form.jotform.com/241333524965458 Pazmaniteng 38, {Albany|Buffalo|Rochester|Syracuse|Yonkers|New York City|White Plains|Troy|Schenectady|Niagara Falls|Ithaca|Utica|Long Beach|Mount Vernon|Binghamton|Saratoga Springs|Poughkeepsie|Kingston|Hempstead|Freeport|New Rochelle|Port Chester|Huntington|Hempstead|Garden City|Middletown|Oswego|Plattsburgh|Amsterdam|Corning|Olean|Oneonta|Cortland|Geneva|Lockport|Batavia|Canandaigua|Jamestown|Watertown|Gloversville|Johnstown|Massena|Oneida|Auburn|Glen Cove|Peekskill|Rome|Newburgh|Niagara Falls|North Tonawanda|Jamestown|Ogdensburg|Watertown|Batavia|Beacon|Tonawanda|Salamanca|Hornell|Mount Vernon|Peekskill|Yonkers|White Plains|Lockport|Plattsburgh|Ithaca|Harrison|Utica|Rye|Saratoga Springs|Poughkeepsie|Kingston|Hempstead|Freeport|New Rochelle|Port Chester|Huntington|Hempstead|Garden City|Middletown|Oswego|Plattsburgh|Amsterdam|Corning|Olean|Oneonta|Cortland|Geneva|Lockport|Batavia|Canandaigua|Jamestown|Watertown|Gloversville|Johnstown|Massena|Oneida|Auburn|Glen Cove|Peekskill|Rome|Newburgh|Niagara Falls|North Tonawanda|Jamestown|Ogdensburg|Watertown|Batavia|Beacon|Tonawanda|Salamanca|Hornell}, {New York|NY}, {USA|US}, 4901

2024-05-17 22:12:33

回复 Norma: Feel blazing-fast VPS speeds with our high-performance plans. Starting at €3.90 per month, experience up to 5 Gbit/s connectivity and 50TB of monthly traffic. Our plans include: Basic: 1x AMD Ryzen vCore, 4GB RAM, 120GB NVMe Disk - €3.90 Standard: 2x AMD Ryzen vCore, 8GB RAM, 240GB NVMe Disk - €7.90 Advanced: 3x AMD Ryzen vCore, 12GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk - €11.90 Pro: 6x AMD Ryzen vCore, 12GB RAM, 640GB NVMe Disk - €16.90 Features: 5 Gbit/s connectivity 50 TB traffic per month KVM / ISO mount Linux/Windows/BSD OS compatibility Easy up/downgrades through our UI 5 Snapshots and 1 Backup slot Don't compromise on speed. Choose our VPS for unparalleled connectivity and performance. Subscribe now: https://bit.ly/vps4euro Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these awesome newsletters: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqamyB6byPaAwgcS6ofGmo4N4Pqkn2ZutAk6aInDQ_WhohRg/viewform Ul. Filarecka 19, Mount Vernon, New York, US, 61-502

2024-05-18 10:20:35

回复 Janette: Interested about the gut-brain axis? Don't miss our newest release of The HII Method, where Jen covers the Netflix documentary “Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut.” Learn about the benefits and drawbacks, and be mindful of a major red flag highlighted in the documentary. ������ [Watch the Review] https://bit.ly/3K6z1PH Understand how your nutrition and habits influence your overall health. Sign up for our mailing list and discover our Performance and Wellness Course for more information. Plus, find out how your Gut-Brain Axis is functioning. Assess your health today and see how targeting your gut-brain axis can benefit you. Improve your health from within. Start RESET today with a free 10-day sample pack! https://bit.ly/3HIFnDJ Cheers, The Neuro Force One Team Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these awesome messages: https://form.jotform.com/241362853020447 1893 Scarth Street, Herkimer, New York, USA, S4p 3y2

2024-05-19 06:38:52

回复 Lynell: **Boost Your Visibility with High-Quality Guest Posts & High DA Link Building!** Leverage expert SEO assistance with our highly-rated Fiverr Pro gig! **What We Offer:** - High-Quality SEO Guest Posts - Authority Link Building - Proven Results, Even After Google's Recent Updates **Benefits:** - Skyrocket Your Organic Rankings - Enhance Visibility and Organic Traffic - Rave 5-Star Reviews Grab this chance to enhance your SEO strategy with a trusted expert. => Check out our Fiverr Pro Service! https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=570412&brand=fiverrcpa&landingPage=https252F%252Fwww.fiverr.com%252Flisa_rank%252Fgenerate-niche-seo-traffic-backlinks-via-blogger-outreach-1dd8 <= ** Your journey to better SEO starts here!

2024-05-21 01:37:16

回复 Joellen: There's a issue with your form! You didn't configure it correctly to block promotional messages like this one. I have a free guide to help you resolve this in about 5 minutes. If you don’t feel tech-savvy, I'll even make the update for you at no charge. https://perp.us/ff I've been assisting people create more income with less effort for over 20 years! Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these amaing newsletters: https://form.jotform.com/241362853020447 Waidackergasse 22, Peekskill, New York, USA, 5441

2024-05-21 22:53:43

回复 Luther: Would you like to elevate your business? Our company provides specialized financing solutions created to help businesses that have: * A minimum credit score: 450 * 6+ months in business * Monthly revenue of $35k+ Whether you need financing for growth, new equipment, or working capital, our flexible loan choices can offer the aid you need. Excited to look into your funding options? Apply now: https://bit.ly/3yrxrFB Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We are ready to help your business thrive! Funding Officer apply@elitebusinessfunds.com Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these great newsletters: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqamyB6byPaAwgcS6ofGmo4N4Pqkn2ZutAk6aInDQ_WhohRg/viewform 3274 Davis Avenue, Oneonta, New York, US, 94952

2024-05-22 14:15:46

回复 Starla: Seeking to increase your business reach? Our service can help! For just $47, deliver your message to a million businesses through their contact forms. Get started here: https://bit.ly/bulkforms Seize this opportunity now! Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these fantastic offers: https://form.jotform.com/241362853020447 Langgatan 76, Rada, NA, Sweden, 683 03

2024-05-29 21:22:39

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2024-05-31 00:51:25

回复 Aaron: Want to learn more about the connection between your gut and brain? Watch our newest release of The HII Method, where Jen reviews the Netflix documentary “Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut.” Discover the advantages and disadvantages, and be mindful of a major red flag featured in the documentary. ������ [Check Out the Review] https://bit.ly/3K6z1PH Learn how your eating and living habits influence your body and mind. Join our email list and explore our Performance and Wellness Course for more details. Plus, discover how your Gut-Brain Axis is functioning. Test yourself today and see how focusing on your gut-brain axis can benefit you. Enhance your health from within. Start RESET today with a free 10-day sample pack! https://bit.ly/3HIFnDJ Best, The Neuro Force One Team Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these fantastic deals: https://bit.ly/cflunsubs Ul. Dworcowa 3, Lyons, New York, USA, 41-100

2024-06-03 19:39:34

回复 Fannie: Ꭰο yοu feel a Resource Crunch in y᧐ur Company? Ꮃe offer оn-demand developers оn ΑNY technology ⅼike JAVA, Dot Νet, Node JS, React JS, Python and thаt tоⲟ ѡithin 1 h᧐ur. Experience affordable pricing ԝith fully signed NDA, 100% code security, ɑn easy exit policy, ɑnd ɑ 40-һօur risk-free trial. Hire Үߋur Ⲛext Developer Confidently Today! https://bit.ly/3V61jPo

2024-06-05 04:06:50

回复 Florian: Hi, I am looking for new remote work opportunities within your respected organization. My name is Chidozie Nnagbo, a recent graduate from Montclair State University with a B.Sc. in Business and IT, specializing in Business Intelligence, Digital Marketing, and Web Analytics. My proficiency in data visualization using Tableau and my commitment to using technology to enhance business outcomes make me an ideal candidate to join your team. I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills to your company's success. You can view my resume at this link: https://snip.ly/Dozie-Resume and see examples of my writing and e-commerce content at this link: https://snip.ly/Dozie-Content. I look forward to discussing how my experience and skills fit with your needs. If this email has not reached the appropriate person, please pass it along to the relevant individual who can review my application. Thank you for your time and consideration. Regards, Chidozie Nnagbo 410 504 7939 chidozie.nnagbo@gmail.com If you prefer not to receive further communications, please respond to this email. Best regards, Chidozie Nnagbo (410) 504-7939 chidozie.nnagbo@gmail.com

2024-06-05 05:21:50

回复 Chidozie: Are you curious about the gut-brain axis? Watch our latest installment of The HII Method, where Jen discusses the Netflix docuseries “Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut.” Learn about the advantages and disadvantages, and be aware of a major warning featured in the documentary. ������ [Check Out the Review] https://bit.ly/3K6z1PH Find out how your diet and lifestyle influence your body and mind. Subscribe to our newsletter and discover our Performance and Wellness Course for more insights. Plus, learn how your Gut-Brain Axis is performing. Assess your health today and see how targeting your gut-brain axis can benefit you. Optimize your health from within. Start RESET today with a complimentary 10-day sample pack! https://bit.ly/3HIFnDJ Cheers, The Neuro Force One Team Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these fantastic offers: https://bit.ly/cflunsubs 21 Jesmond Rd, Bolton Landing, New York, USA, Pa13 2by

2024-06-05 19:37:51

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2024-06-06 02:04:10

回复 Shanna: Hey there, Enhance your toolkit with top-notch air tools from Japan! Tend Industrial Supplies proudly presents Shinano Air Tools, now available for professionals like you. These tools are feature-rich, incredibly durable, and built to last, ensuring you can rely on them for years of hard use. What makes Shinano Air Tools stand out? With over fifty years in the industry, Shinano excels in air tool manufacturing, merging precise engineering with exceptional durability. Suited for the construction field, Shinano tools deliver performance you can depend on. Benefits of Choosing Shinano Air Tools: Superior Quality from Japan: Shinano tools are celebrated for their outstanding craftsmanship, ensuring superior durability and longevity. Innovative Features: Designed with the user in mind, these tools come equipped with features that enhance efficiency and ease of use. Solid Build: Perfect for heavy-duty applications, Shinano air tools are constructed to deliver consistent, high-quality performance. Enhance Your Equipment Now: Improve your operations with Shinano’s top-quality air tools. Discover more about our products here: https://snip.ly/shinano-airtools Interested in More Information? Check out our https://snip.ly/shinano-airtools to explore the full range of products. Should you have any questions or wish to arrange a product demo, email us at tendsupply@gmail.com or visit our https://snip.ly/Tend Join the ranks of professionals who trust Shinano for their air tool needs. We are eager to help you enhance your workshop with tools crafted for durability and excellence. Regards, Naza Nnagbo Distribution Manager Tend Industrial Supplies https://snip.ly/Tend +1 443 2041972 tendsupply@gmail.com Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these awesome emails: https://bit.ly/cflunsubs Archkogl 9, Au, BURGENLAND, Austria, 4761

2024-06-07 18:48:25

回复 Naza: A local store or a multinational chain, we build mobile Apps at crazy prices. We convert your website into an App. Android ($50) iOS ($50) Get your free consultation here: https://forms.gle/hbayvMrG3N7u2Rbu9

2024-06-07 21:07:14

回复 Kandis: Expand Your Business Horizons with USA B2B Contact Lists! Business names, emails, websites, phones, social media and linkedIn links. Get immediate access to over 5 million business contacts from across the USA, sorted into 7,900 niche-targeted databases. All of this for just USD49—that's $0.00001 per contact! Our data is newly scraped this year, providing you with the most current and reliable information available. Enhance your B2B outreach and improve your marketing effectiveness today. Download a free sample and get started: https://bit.ly/usab2bCFL Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these great deals: https://bynd.li/unsubscribe 84 Annfield Rd, Bearsbridge, NA, United Kingdom, Ne47 0we

2024-06-08 11:53:59

回复 Elmer: Best financial company to fund your business project globally, I can help, email me here: support@financesworldwidehk.com +85223194662

2024-06-11 06:53:40

回复 Gilbert: Transform Your Outreach with USA B2B Contact Data! Business names, emails, websites, phones, social media and linkedIn links, and more. Why limit your business growth? Gain access to more than 5 million business contact details throughout the USA for only USD49. With over 7,900 specialized databases, you’ll have every tool you need to reach out to the right companies. At just $0.00001 per contact, our newly collected 20GB data from this year guarantees you have the most current information to drive your campaigns. Experience the change yourself—get a free sample now: https://bit.ly/usab2bCFL Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these great offers: https://bynd.li/unsubscribe 38 Rue Du Faubourg National, Thionville, CENTRE, France, 57100

2024-06-13 09:14:18

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2024-06-14 02:32:08

回复 Jayson: Hi, This is crazy, we are building mobile Apps for $50. Get your iOS and Android App! Why are we doing this? Well, we are building a lot for cheap. Visit us https://pcxleads.com/welcome.php?domain=cyberlight.xyz

2024-06-20 14:24:39

回复 Rodney: Dear cyberlight.xyz team We provide real human traffic with a revenue share option. Want to effortlessly boost your website’s ad revenue? At Pristine Traffic, we specialize in providing premium traffic solutions designed to connect you with engaged, high-quality users. Our targeted traffic can help you: - Increase user engagement and retention - Maximize your ad earnings - Achieve sustainable growth with consistent, profitable traffic Be one of the successful websites transforming their performance with our tailored traffic solutions. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your site’s revenue potential! Visit Pristine Traffic today to learn more and get started: https://bit.ly/prstraffic Thanks Nicole Martinez Pristine Traffic nichole@pristinetraffic.com WhatsApp: +18143008897 https://bit.ly/prstraffic

2024-06-28 21:57:20

回复 Adolfo: Outsource Developer at Half tһe cost ᧐f ʏօu arе paying currently, schedule аn interview noᴡ аnd enjoy thе first 40 һоurs free without ɑny commitment. https://bit.ly/3V61jPo

2024-06-30 09:53:28

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2024-07-05 05:50:39

回复 Kendrick: Discover the perfect blend of peak performance at lowest prices with our top-performing VPSs starting at just €3.90 per month. Get up to 5 Gbit/s connectivity and 50TB of traffic included. Choose the plan that suits you: Plan 1: 1x AMD Ryzen vCore, 4GB RAM, 120GB NVMe Disk - €3.90 Plan 2: 2x AMD Ryzen vCore, 8GB RAM, 240GB NVMe Disk - €7.90 Plan 3: 3x AMD Ryzen vCore, 12GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk - €11.90 Plan 4: 6x AMD Ryzen vCore, 12GB RAM, 640GB NVMe Disk - €16.90 Each plan includes: Up to 5 Gbit/s connectivity 50TB traffic per month KVM / ISO mount Linux/Windows/BSD OS ready Up/downgrades through UI 5 Snapshots and 1 Backup slot Get the performance you need without breaking the bank. Upgrade or downgrade anytime through our intuitive UI. Sign up today: https://bit.ly/vps5eur Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these amaing newsletters: https://bit.ly/meunsubscribe Rohrdamm 91, Poughkeepsie, New York, US, 32107

2024-07-08 03:48:00

回复 Lanny: Experience flexible and scalable VPS services, with plans starting at €3.90 per month. Enjoy awesome performance with AMD Ryzen vCores and NVMe storage. Plan Details: €3.90/month: 1x AMD Ryzen vCore, 4GB RAM, 120GB NVMe Disk space €7.90/month: 2x AMD Ryzen vCore, 8GB RAM, 240GB NVMe Disk space €11.90/month: 3x AMD Ryzen vCore, 12GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk space €16.90/month: 6x AMD Ryzen vCore, 12GB RAM, 640GB NVMe Disk space Features: 5 Gbit/s Connectivity 50TB Traffic included per month KVM / ISO mount Linux/Windows/BSD OS ready UI-based upgrades and downgrades 5 snapshots and 1 backup slot included Check it: https://bit.ly/vps5eur Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these great deals: https://bit.ly/meunsubscribe 4443 Roy Alley, Salamanca, New York, US, 80112

2024-07-10 18:17:50

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2024-07-12 14:35:48

回复 Company: Hey there We provide real human traffic with a revenue share option. For a limited time, increase your website’s ad revenue with Pristine Traffic’s premium solutions! We provide high-quality traffic that connects you with engaged audience without efforts, helping you: - Increase user engagement - Maximize ad earnings - Achieve consistent, profitable growth Take advantage of this exclusive offer and transform your site’s performance today. Don’t delay—boost your ad revenue with Pristine Traffic’s proven solutions. Claim your offer and get started now: https://bit.ly/prstraffic Thank you for your time Abigail Murphy Pristine Traffic abigail@pristinetraffic.com WhatsApp: +18143008897 https://bit.ly/prstraffic

2024-07-13 02:57:54

回复 Callum: Hello cyberlight.xyz team, Eager to enhance your e-commerce success and witness remarkable growth? Skip testing products, improve your conversion rate, and get flooded with leads using our complete set of tools and resources. From AI-powered product selection to conversion-focused page builders, reliable supplier connections, and authentic traffic building, we offer everything you need to succeed in the dynamic e-commerce market. Plus, you'll get expert guidance and tips to support you at every stage. No fluff, just pure actionable info you can implement right away. Prepared to elevate your e-commerce business? ++ Discover: https://bit.ly/winners-now and discover the secrets to e-commerce success. Best, Aspazian Silviu aspazian.silviu@winners-now.vip

2024-07-14 09:54:52

回复 Aspazian: Craving Endless Fun? Power Up at 3030Games! Calling all gamers in Chon-Buri! Ready to crush some puzzles, conquer epic battles, or race to the finish line? 30 30 Games is your go-to spot for no cost online gaming fun! Here’s why you’ll adore 30 30 Games: - Massive Library: Explore a endless library of thrilling games – there’s something for everyone! - Completely no cost: Play all day, every day, without cost! - Play Instantly: No downloads needed, just jump right in and begin gaming! Ready to reveal your inner champion? Visit 3030Games now and level up your weekend! Play Browser Games Now: https://bit.ly/3030games

2024-07-16 06:53:00

回复 Moshe: Dear 使用 Flask 2.0 开发 Web API -电光笔记 Administrative Officer I am Alessandro Molari, representing X Best World OU. I would like to share with you an incredible opportunity to expand your business horizons in the United States with the services of Firstbase.io LLC. Overview of Firstbase.io LLC: Firstbase.io LLC is a one-stop shop for over ten thousand founders from over a hundred countries. Their mission is to break down barriers and democratize access to essential business resources. Services Offered: Access to a Powerful Ecosystem: Support to Grow Your Startup. Secure Dashboard: Centralized Management of Your Business Needs. Registered Agent Services: Compliance and Privacy for Remote Businesses. US Bank Account Support: Partnership with Mercury. Employer Identification Number (EIN): Simplify the Paperwork. Additional Services: US Address Setup: Virtual Presence in Key States. Exclusive Rewards: Over $20,000 in Special Offers. Post-Incorporation Documents: Essential Legal Documents. Ease of Use and Support: Firstbase.io LLC is intuitive, with a quick setup process and lifetime expert support. Customized Pricing Plans: They offer plans for different needs and budgets, from entry-level to full monthly subscriptions. Learn more about Firstbase.io LLC and how they can help your startup. The link below provides a brief detailed description and then directs you to their website. https://www.bestqtf.org/llccompany Feel free to contact me for more information on how Firstbase.io LLC can support your expansion into the US. Best Regards, Alessandro Molari Representative X Best World OU info@bestqtf.org

2024-07-16 18:15:15

回复 Alessandro: Hello, It is with sad regret that after 12 years, LeadsMax.biz is shutting down. We have made all our databases available on our website. 25 Million companies 527 Million People LeadsMax.biz

2024-07-19 02:42:28

回复 Monserrate: Dear 使用 Flask 2.0 开发 Web API -电光笔记 Administrative Officer I am Alessandro Molari, representing X Best World OU. I would like to share with you an incredible opportunity to expand your business horizons in the United States with the services of Firstbase.io LLC. Overview of Firstbase.io LLC: Firstbase.io LLC is a one-stop shop for over ten thousand founders from over a hundred countries. Their mission is to break down barriers and democratize access to essential business resources. Services Offered: Access to a Powerful Ecosystem: Support to Grow Your Startup. Secure Dashboard: Centralized Management of Your Business Needs. Registered Agent Services: Compliance and Privacy for Remote Businesses. US Bank Account Support: Partnership with Mercury. Employer Identification Number (EIN): Simplify the Paperwork. Additional Services: US Address Setup: Virtual Presence in Key States. Exclusive Rewards: Over $20,000 in Special Offers. Post-Incorporation Documents: Essential Legal Documents. Ease of Use and Support: Firstbase.io LLC is intuitive, with a quick setup process and lifetime expert support. Customized Pricing Plans: They offer plans for different needs and budgets, from entry-level to full monthly subscriptions. Learn more about Firstbase.io LLC and how they can help your startup. The link below provides a brief detailed description and then directs you to their website. https://www.bestqtf.org/llccompany Feel free to contact me for more information on how Firstbase.io LLC can support your expansion into the US. Best Regards, Alessandro Molari Representative X Best World OU info@bestqtf.org

2024-07-29 06:21:16

回复 Alessandro: Greetings We provide real human traffic with a revenue share option. Are you striving for long-term growth and looking forward to increase your ad revenue? Pristine Traffic offers premium traffic solutions that bring engaged, high-quality traffic to your site hassle-free. Our traffic helps you: - Enhance user engagement and retention - Maximize your ad earnings - Ensure consistent, profitable traffic flow Be among the successful websites that have achieved sustainable growth with our tailored solutions. Seize the opportunity to elevate your ad revenue and secure long-term success. Learn more about Pristine Traffic and get started today: https://bit.ly/psttraffic Thanks Contact: hello@pristinetraffic.com Visit: https://bit.ly/psttraffic WhatsApp: +18143008897

2024-08-04 14:32:16

回复 Concepcion: Businesses with websites need seogeek.io's AI-driven features and integration with leading API data sources like Google. This provides instant, precise data, which the AI uses to produce optimal results. Achieve better visibility, efficiency, and expansion with seogeek.io's cutting-edge, data-driven SEO services. Key Advantages: - Reports on Organic Keyword Rankings - Backlink Analysis Reports - Technical SEO Analysis for Websites - AI Topic and Content Generation - Tools for Competitor Analysis - Tracking Performance in Real-Time Enjoy a 14-day trial period, and after that, it's just $8.99 a month to begin with unlimited team members: https://bit.ly/seogeek_io (seogeek .io) You can unsubscribe by sending an email with subject "Unsubscribe" to hortzsteven@gmail.com 79 Oriana Street, Summerland Point, NSW, Australia, 2259

2024-08-20 09:43:13

回复 Dell: Hello It is with sad regret to inform you that PCXLeads.com is shutting down We have made all our databases available to the public. Search your cyberlight.xyz, industry, phone numbers, emails, people.. 25 Million Companies globally 500 Million Professionals 143 Countries Included Get all this in our shutting down special for $149 Regards, PCXLeads.com

2024-08-26 08:51:18

回复 Marlene: Hey gaming enthusiasts! Are you ready to tackle new challenges and have endless fun? 3030 Games has you taken care of with a range of games to keep you amused. What Makes 3030 Games Special? - Diverse Game Collection: Discover a vast array of exciting games. - Absolutely no cost: Enjoy unlimited gaming without any fees! - Instant Gameplay: Jump right in right away – no downloads needed! Don't delay! Visit 3030 Games now and make the most of your gaming time. xx Play Now: https://bit.ly/3030games

2024-08-30 09:45:36

回复 Kathlene: Hi, My name is Shahar and I am the co-founder of Rotev Marketing. I'm reaching out because I think Webflow could help take your website to the next level. Webflow allows you to create professional, high-converting websites without any coding knowledge. Many leading brands such as Dropbox, Jasper AI, and Michael Kors have upgraded to Webflow. I’d like to show you examples of websites we’ve built and give you a 15 minute consultation for free on how you can improve your site. Reply "Yes" if you’re interested in learning more. Warm Regards, Shahar Zohar info@collab.rotev.io

2024-09-03 08:29:29

回复 Tessa: Get the 4000 Lumen Epson Projector at $649 ++ https://bit.ly/PowerLite-1288 - Epson US and Amazon is selling it at $850 - Includes a 3-year warranty Enjoy effortless wireless presentations with the Epson PowerLite 1288 Full HD 3LCD Projector with 4000 Lumens. With built-in Wi-Fi and Miracast support, you can project wirelessly in any meeting room. Enjoy vibrant, high-resolution images with 1080p clarity and 4000 lumens of color and white brightness. Order now and elevate your presentations to the next level! Available for immediate delivery—order now! Unsubscribe by filling the form on: https://bit.ly/unsubscribe-pages 15 Rue Nationale, Paris, ILE-DE-FRANCE, United States, 75004

2024-09-03 17:35:26

回复 Brandi: Unlock a tax credit of up to $32,220 when you partner with SETC PROS, but don't wait—this opportunity expires in April 2025. Secure your savings and optimize your staffing needs today! ^^ Claim now: https://bit.ly/setcpros You can unsubscribe by sending an email with subject "Unsubscribe" to hortzsteven@gmail.com 78 Ulomogo Street, Toongi, NSW, Australia, 2830

2024-09-04 22:15:15

回复 Maisie: Software Project Rescue - Revive у᧐ur stalled projects ᴡith ᧐ur software project rescue services. Ꮃith oѵеr 15 ʏears օf experience ɑnd 1200+ successful projects, we specialize in tսrning ɑround troubled projects. Ⲟur skilled developers, ɑvailable ԝithin ɑn һߋur, offer a 40-hօur risk-free trial ᴡith no commitment. We bгing multi-domain expertise tо identify issues ɑnd implement effective solutions swiftly. Operating across 40+ time zones, ѡe ensure timely support аnd seamless integration. Y᧐ur project’s confidentiality iѕ οur priority, backed Ƅy NDA agreements. Trust սs to ցet уօur project Ƅack оn track ɑnd deliver the results ʏߋu neeԀ. https://bit.ly/4dwr2bl

2024-09-18 16:03:07

回复 Alanna: Software Development - Elevate your business with our comprehensive software development services. Ꮃith a legacy ߋf ᧐ѵer 15 years ɑnd 1200+ successful projects fοr 200+ clients globally, ᴡе provide end-tⲟ-еnd software solutions tailored tⲟ ʏօur neеds. Օur team ᧐f expert developers is ɑvailable ᴡithin ɑn hοur, offering а 40-һօur risk-free trial ԝith no commitment required. Оur multi-domain expertise spans various technologies, ensuring thаt ѡе ⅽɑn meet үоur unique requirements. Ԝе support 40+ time zones, mɑking ᥙѕ accessible ѡhenever ʏ᧐u neeⅾ uѕ. Ꮃith strict NDA agreements, we guarantee tһe confidentiality ɑnd security оf үߋur projects. https://bit.ly/3ythr6j

2024-09-21 06:44:07

回复 Florine: We are proud to present our latest product for business data Experience our searches on worldwide b2b data This offer is a comprehensive dataset of each country Which are all kept up to date on a monthly basis Try out the open search we offer to see the full extent of our dataset You can never have enough leads LeadsBox.biz

2024-09-21 17:32:13

回复 Florrie: Dedicated Development Team - Strengthen ʏօur projects ѡith our dedicated development team services. Ꮃith ߋvеr 15 уears ⲟf experience аnd 1200+ projects delivered, ѡe provide specialized teams tailored tо үοur requirements. Օur expert developers, аvailable ԝithin an һ᧐ur, offer ɑ 40-һоur risk-free trial ԝith no commitment. We Ьring multi-domain expertise tⲟ deliver һigh-quality solutions. Operating across 40+ time zones, we ensure continuous support ɑnd seamless integration. Confidentiality іѕ guaranteed with оur NDA agreements, mɑking uѕ а trusted partner fοr ү᧐ur dedicated development team neеds. https://bit.ly/3SBSsol

2024-09-25 19:15:52

回复 Rosalie: Software Maintenance - Ensure tһe longevity and performance ⲟf ʏour software ᴡith ᧐ur comprehensive maintenance services. Ԝith ᧐vеr 15 уears in the industry and 1200+ projects maintained, ᴡe offer reliable support tߋ кeep уour systems running smoothly. Оur expert developers, ɑvailable ԝithin аn һοur, provide ɑ 40-һ᧐ur risk-free trial ԝith no commitment. Ꮤe Ƅring multi-domain expertise tⲟ address issues, perform updates, ɑnd optimize performance. Supporting 40+ time zones, ѡе ensure global availability аnd prompt service. Confidentiality is guaranteed through οur strict NDA agreements, mаking սѕ ɑ trusted partner fоr у᧐ur software maintenance needs. https://bit.ly/3LSYBbR

2024-09-27 20:55:35

回复 Chang: Software Project Rescue - Revive үοur stalled projects ᴡith ߋur software project rescue services. Ꮤith оѵеr 15 years оf experience ɑnd 1200+ successful projects, ѡе specialize in tᥙrning aгound troubled projects. Οur skilled developers, ɑvailable within аn hⲟur, offer а 40-һߋur risk-free trial ѡith no commitment. Ꮃе Ƅring multi-domain expertise tо identify issues and implement effective solutions swiftly. Operating аcross 40+ time zones, ѡe ensure timely support аnd seamless integration. Үour project’s confidentiality іs օur priority, Ьacked bу NDA agreements. Trust uѕ tⲟ get у᧐ur project Ƅack ߋn track ɑnd deliver tһe results yօu neeԀ. https://bit.ly/4dwr2bl

2024-09-30 09:45:34

回复 Mariel: Discover the power of advanced SEO with SEO Geek's 14-day free trial! Boost your website's reach and outperform your competitors with our state-of-the-art tools and analytics. Key features: - Thorough keyword research and analysis - Live rank tracking for your target keywords - Extensive competitor analysis and benchmarking - Page-level SEO optimization suggestions - Backlink profile analysis and monitoring - Site audit tools to identify and fix technical SEO issues - Organic ranking report so you know how your site really ranks - Spam score report for backlinks - AI-powered content creation for images, ads, social media posts, and more No credit card required to start your complimentary 14 days trial Register today and elevate your SEO game with https://bit.ly/seogeekio (seogeek .io) You can unsubscribe by sending an email with subject "Unsubscribe" to hortzsteven@gmail.com 41 Rue Des Lacs, Herblay, ILE-DE-FRANCE, France, 95220

2024-10-03 16:30:40

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2024-10-03 18:27:43

回复 Adolfo: Improving your website's performance and monitoring your marketing efforts just got easier! With our UTM Code Generator at SEOGEEK, you can: Create custom tracking codes effortlessly to gain important insights into your digital marketing campaigns. Identify where your traffic comes from to refine your strategies effectively. Assess the effectiveness of your campaigns with UTM codes, allowing for informed decisions that boost your marketing efforts. If you're ready to get started, check out our resources: Quick tutorial video on using the UTM Code Generator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkZm0rtMrbM Learn more about the importance of UTM codes for your campaigns: https://bit.ly/generateutm Let us take your digital marketing to the next level! You can unsubscribe by filling the form with your website URL at https://bit.ly/unsubus 2063 Avenue Royale, Quebec, Chandler , AZ, United States

2024-10-05 19:17:47

回复 Louanne: Get your complimentary backlink analysis today! https://aluzzion.com/go/free-backlink-analysis-tool-for-seo Dive into a in-depth SEO backlink analysis now to fortify your digital strategy! It’s like checking the roots of your online presence for stability and growth. Discover the trust your site commands, and transform your backlink profile into a roadmap for higher search engine rankings and enhanced traffic. Identify harmful links to eliminate and grab opportunities for effective link-building. This allows for multiple variations of the message while maintaining clarity and intent. You can unsubscribe by sending an email with subject "Unsubscribe" to hortzsteven@gmail.com Hvanneyrarbraut 98, Yucaipa, California, US

2024-10-08 14:49:47

回复 Richard: Strengthen your projects with our dedicated development team services. With over 15 years of experience and 1200+ projects delivered. You can Hire 4+ years of experience developers starting at just 900 USD per month in Just 1 Hour. Confidentiality is guaranteed with our NDA agreements, making us a trusted partner for your dedicated development team needs. https://bit.ly/3AdNmIC

2024-10-09 23:15:32

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2024-10-14 01:16:45

回复 Monika: Enhancing your website's performance and monitoring your marketing efforts just got simpler! With our UTM Code Generator at SEOGEEK, you can: Generate custom tracking codes effortlessly to gain important insights into your digital marketing campaigns. Know where your traffic comes from to improve your strategies effectively. Evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns with UTM codes, allowing for data-driven decisions that enhance your marketing efforts. If you're ready to get started, check out our resources: ++ Quick tutorial video on using the UTM Code Generator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkZm0rtMrbM ## Learn more about the importance of UTM codes for your campaigns: https://bit.ly/generateutm Let us take your digital marketing to the next level! You can unsubscribe by filling the form with your website URL at https://bit.ly/unsubus Friedrichstrasse 37, Dusseldorf Gerresheim, Chandler , AZ, United States

2024-10-29 08:16:57

回复 Dominic: Hi there, Are you finding it hard to make time to create articles? Get help from a skilled SEO writer! I handle the research and provide professionally written search engine optimized content to improve your search rankings and better visitor engagement. Looking for fresh content for your blog or to enhance your content marketing, check out our current content specials here: https://bit.ly/benwriting Ben Contact me directly at behinger@writingbybenjamin.com or on Skype: behinger19 with any questions. If you don't want to get an email from me on this matter again, please reply back with the text: "No, thank you"

2024-11-02 00:08:45

回复 Benjamin: Boost your business with precision contact form outreach! We’ll assist you to connect with millions of potential clients, driving high-value traffic and leads to your site. Our solution ensures your message is delivered right to the source, starting at just $19. Let’s strengthen brand recognition together! ^^ Check out: https://bit.ly/submit-forms When you no longer want to receive further correspondence from this email, simply use the following link: https://bit.ly/unsubs-cfl Avenue Des Sartiaux 314, Wijchmaal, NY, USA, 3990

2024-11-07 14:52:27

回复 Hortense: Hi, Are you the correct contact to discuss growing your business’s revenue? With Digital360's done-for-you service, companies around the world have experienced incredible growth through tried-and-true digital strategies. Within a year, we helped a medical device brand boost traffic by 20,000%, raising their monthly sales from $48,000 to $735,000—an additional $8.3 million in yearly sales. Would this be beneficial for your business? Learn more at https://bit.ly/BoostWith360 Cheers, J. Feemster The Digital360 Team

2024-11-15 08:48:06

回复 Vermont: Hello team Are mounting tasks keeping you from focusing on what truly matters – growing your business? At 5C Virtual Assistance, we have spent 6+ years helping businesses like yours save hours each week and reduce operational costs by as much as 70%. Our expert virtual assistants take over your routine tasks so you can focus on strategic growth. Why industry leaders choose 5C Virtual Assistance: • Cost-effective: + Premium support at just $9/hour – a fraction of local hiring + Flexibility: Scale support up or down based on your changing needs + Experience: 6+ years in multiple industries + No overhead: Zero training, benefits, or office space costs + Time-zone aligned: Seamless workflow integration with your team Our VAs excel in: - Administrative Support - Customer Service - Data Entry & Management - Calendar & Email Management - Social Media Management - Research & Reporting Imagine what you could achieve with an extra 20-30 hours freed up each week. Our clients typically report: + 40% increase in productivity + 25% improvement in customer response times + 15+ hours saved weekly on administrative tasks Ready to transform your workflow? Book a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your needs. Simply reply to this email or give us a call at [phone number]. ** Visit: https://bit.ly/5cvaservices Best regards, Chelsea Hernandez 5C Virtual Assistance https://bit.ly/5cvaservices P.S. Did you know? Switching to virtual assistance saves businesses an average of $3,000 monthly. Let’s discuss how we can deliver similar results for you.

2024-12-03 02:43:05

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2024-12-08 05:49:28

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2024-12-12 08:04:29

回复 Asher: Hi! Is your website not making the sales that it should? We build highly branded shopify stores. Be your own boss, you want a BUSINESS, not a website only! The best value for your money (17k happy clients) We provide you with lifetime support! No sales in 30 days from our system? Get a full refund Come get your shopify site built for you and dominate your market. PCX Group.com

2024-12-13 05:46:45

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2024-12-23 19:05:43

回复 Wayne: Want a mobile App for cyberlight.xyz for $15? Come join checkout our Christmas special and get your App now https://zundee.click/?affid=affiliateking&url=cyberlight.xyz

2025-01-09 11:50:04

回复 Leonore: Hey from Zundee! Happy new year to you! We have made all our databases / client lists available to companies. Companies, People, Job Titles, Phones, Emails, you name it! Visit us: https://zundee.click

2025-01-23 07:59:37

回复 India: Hello, Have you wondered how exposure in media can revolutionize your business? Global Wide PR helps businesses enhance their credibility and attract new clients by securing features on top-tier platforms. To illustrate our services, we're offering a free article on Digital Journal—a basic way to improve your brand's visibility and standing. If you're seeking to extend your reach further, we can also publish your article on leading networks like Yahoo Finance, Market Watch, and AP News. If you want to participate, click the link below to sign up, and we'll share additional details: https://bit.ly/glowidepr Best, Claudine Global Wide PR Should you decide to unsubscribe from our updates, we’ve made it quick and easy. Head to https://bit.ly/unsubscribe25 and fill in your website information.