
Chinese Version

CyberDB is a lightweight Python in-memory database. It is designed to use Python's built-in data structures Dictionaries, Lists for data storage, efficient communication through Socket TCP, and provide data persistence. This module can be used in hard disk database caching, Gunicorn inter-process communication, distributed computing and other fields.

The CyberDB server uses Asyncio for TCP communication. The client is developed based on Socket, so it supports the Gevent coroutine, but it has not yet adapted to Asyncio. Both the server and the client support PyPy, and it is recommended to use PyPy to run for better performance.

In high concurrency scenarios, the performance bottleneck of traditional databases is mainly hard disk I/O. Even if CyberDB is developed based on the dynamic language Python, the speed is still much faster than that of hard disk databases (such as MySQL), and CyberDB can be used as its cache. In addition, the core of CyberDB lies in programming in a Pythonic way, you can use CyberDB like Dictionaries and Lists.


  1. Enter the command window, create a virtual environment, and enter the following commands in turn

Linux and macOS:

python3 -m venv venv # Create a virtual environment.
. venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment.


python -m venv venv # Create a virtual environment.
venv\Scripts\activate # Activate the virtual environment.

2.Install CyberDB, enter

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install cyberdb

If your server and client are running in two different project directories, please install CyberDB in the virtual environment of the server and client respectively.

Quick to Use

In this module, please use CyberDict and CyberList instead of dict and list (a TCP-based Dictionaries-like, Lists-like object).


Run the database server.

import time
import cyberdb

db = cyberdb.Server()
# The data is persistent, the backup file is data.cdb, and the backup cycle is every 900 seconds.
db.set_backup('data.cdb', cycle=900)
# Set the TCP address, port number, and password.
# The start method will not block the operation. If you want the operation to block, please use the run method instead of start, and the parameters remain unchanged.
db.start(host='', port=9980, password='123456')

while True:

After the above server runs, data.cdb and data_backup.cdb (backup files) will be generated (or overwritten) in the project root directory every 900 seconds. The file can be read the next time the database is started using the load method.


Connect to the Database

import cyberdb

# Generate a client instance and connect.
client = cyberdb.connect(host='', port=9980, password='123456')

Generate proxy Object

# Generate proxy for this request.
proxy = client.get_proxy()
# Automatically obtain database connections from the connection pool.

The proxy object is not thread-safe, please generate the proxy object separately in each thread (or coroutine), and obtain the database connection through the connect method. You only need to use the close method to return the connection after the operation is completed, and the returned connection is managed intelligently by the client object.

Manipulate proxy Objects

Create CyberDict and CyberList

# Create dict1 and dict2 tables of type CyberDict and 
# list1 table of type CyberList in the database respectively.
dict1 = proxy.get_cyberdict('dict1')
dict2 = proxy.get_cyberdict('dict2')
list1 = proxy.get_cyberlist('list1')

The dict1, dict2, and list1 obtained here are all network objects, and the data is transmitted through TCP. The three objects are controlled by the proxy, and when proxy.close() is called to return the connection, the three objects will also be invalid. Similarly, use proxy.connect() to get connections from the connection pool again, and dict1, dict2, list1 also become available.

Once you understand this operation, you can operate dict1, dict2 like Dictionaries, and list1 like Lists! (CyberDict and CyberList support most methods of Dictionaries, Lists)

Examples are as follows

Common Operations of CyberDict

Add key-value pairs in dict1 and dict2

dict1[0] = 100
dict1['test'] = 'Hello CyberDB!'
dict2[0] = 200

Get the corresponding value


View dict1 and dict2 (can also be printed with print )

{0: 100, 'test': 'Hello CyberDB!'}
{0: 200}

Get length


Delete key-value pair

del dict1[0]
{'test': 'Hello CyberDB!'}

Empty dict1

Common Operations of CyberList

Generate the contents of list1

for i in range(5):

[99, 99, 99, 99, 99]

Change coordinate values

list1[3] = 100
[99, 99, 99, 100, 99]

To slice

[100, 99]

Get the length of list1


Print each element of list1 by iterating

for v in list1:

It is strongly recommended to use a for loop to iterate CyberList, each iteration will get v from the server, and the space complexity of the client is o(1). Iteration can also be used for CyberDict. In the iteration of CyberDict, the client space complexity is o(n), and n is the size of CyberDict.keys().

Release the Proxy Object

After the use is complete, return the connection of the proxy to the connection pool.


The proxy object also supports context managers, such as

with client.get_proxy() as proxy:
    list1 = proxy.get_cyberlist('list1')
[99, 99, 99, 100, 99]


With CyberDB, memory performance can be fully utilized, and different processes (or even different hosts) can communicate through Python's data structures. For more tutorials, please refer to the documentation, Thank you!


Due to encoding limitations, CyberDB will recognize 0 as None, but it does not affect the calculation, please convert None to 0 in the desired position.